Getting into good habits

People seek a back pain physio because getting the problem sorted is imperative to living the quality of life you want. If you need a physio for sciatica or a physio for neck pain, finding the right person quickly can literally get you back on your feet right away.

Back and shoulder pain is very common and can affect anybody at any time in their life. 
It can have many various causes such as a sedentary lifestyle, but also stress, sleep deprivation, or unplanned heavy lifting (moving house). 

The way to see it is the following : no one can prevent most of these things from happening, but they can make their body stronger to face them with more stamina. A back pain physio can help with this. 

A person who works out regularly will less likely be impacted by the stress of moving houses.
A person who moves regularly will less likely be impacted by a 12-hour work day. If you suffer sciatica, then physio for sciatica can be very effective. 

What are the benefits?

We focus on your objectives (reduce the pain, reduce inflammation, return to sports/work) to restore function. Here are the main areas of focus during the sesssions : 

Suffering from back or shoulder pain?