Pilates and Yoga classes are both very beneficial for the mind and body. Need to find pilates and yoga in Valencia  – we have you covered!

Whether you are a neophyte or have experience in both practices, there is always something to gain. They also complement each other very nicely.

pilates and yoga in Valencia | valencia physio

What are Pilates ?

Pilates is a no-impact, fun exercise workout targeting core muscles. Most sessions consist in doing various floor exercises, which can also be done with accessorizes such as the big ball, the small ball, or bands. Each exercise will be repeated 5 to 10 times, and while breathing out, the core muscles will be activated. It is all about control, stability, and balance.

A great and smooth way to get back into fitness and building core strength.  If you need 1-1 pilates and yoga in Valencia, get in touch!

What is Yoga ?

Yoga is a mind and body practice but most people know it for its body practice, also called Asana.
Yoga is based on improving joint mobility and flexibility, as well as increasing range of motion and calming down the nervous system throughout breathing techniques.

There is a Yoga style for everyone. Some people might look for a gentle practice based on breathing, posture and flexibility, some others for an intense, weight-burning practice. The session will adapt according to the patient’s needs.